A chilly wind blows, and we all know;

Better send you a lot of Christmas cheer;

It’s greeting time, and so this rhyme,

to all who are far away … and those near.

The year has flown, it makes me groan,

To think of how quickly it all went past.

But fast or slow, … I surely know,

It has made memories that will last ‘n last!

Our marriage year, # 50, so was very nifty

To be treated to a Panama Canal transit.

Janet ‘n Russ our hosts, cruise’n the coast,

saw 4 countries, ate food… like a banquet.

Now I don’t know, if we’ll ever again go,

thru the Canal or to those same ports.

Got pictures we trust of Janet and Russ,

Even though I no longer fit in those shorts!

It was winter, when we found a “winner”

… A very nice Assisted Living place.

Suggie did so well, we are happy to tell,

Mae’s mom accepted it with such grace!

Just 9 minutes away, so we visit most days

and find her happy, healthy and content!

Her Bible is read, she naps in her bed, but

Cards ‘n notes to her are …“heaven sent!”

Cindy Elia you know … always on the go,

So Mae’s sister is now living with us here.

But if you call … she could be at the mall,

With her mom, or the Cox’s giving cheer!

April was big for Mae, cause on one day

All that metal from her ankle came out!

That recovery … slow, but now she can go

with “care” as she walks about.

Ryan, youngest grandson, sure had fun,

in May he graduated … high school;

Growing up fast, carefree days don’t last

Working and college classes now “rule”.

Cashier at Kohl’s, not his ultimate goals,

But it helps keep some gas in the car;

Said cashier of ladies lingerie, for the pay?

OK, but my singing can make me a star!

Last year we sent … a verse about Brent

And how Stephanie was his “steady”;

But on New Years “behold”, how “bold”

gave her a ring! … and she was ready!

So “engaged” this year … it brings a tear

Of joy … to hear now of their plans!

And very wise you see … (if you ask me)

Waiting till there are no school demands.

Stephanie graduates now, and “oh wow”

Has a job, Cobb Chamber of Commerce;

Brent is out in May, I don’t know the day

So I’ll leave that out of this verse.

Now Colin … if you are following

is the grandson away in Texas at school;

Jewelry he’s learning … keeps us yearning

just to see his face … which is so … cool!

He’s got a Facebook page, it’s all the rage

But a warning I will pass to you;

If snakes give fright … he’s got one alright,

his pictures you might want to eschew!

Went up Nashville way, bout Father’s Day

To see Poppa Rucker … don’t you know;

Ninety seven now, he should take a bow,

cause he remembers from long time ago!

His mind is good, that’s understood,

though his body is feeble … a bit;

Go! if you can, it means a lot to this man

for us to come by and just … sit!

Mae’s sister Jenny, like a lucky penny,

some news this year did bring!

Now found a Mr. … (maybe he kissed her)

they were married … back in the spring.

Ron is his name, the Navy was his game,

spent some time in and under the water;

Should have the skill, might need it still,

for a life with a lovely Spivey daughter!

Daughter Cindi had a plan as only she can,

honor her mom & dad on their “Golden”;

Built a nice web site … in mostly one night

and posted pictures that were …“olden”!

She did not stop there, and not on a dare,

planned a party for us in September;

Invited family & friends, come see us then

and help us our wedding remember!

So true to my word, I know you all heard,

in this poem your names I would mention;

So since you insist, I hope I don’t miss’n

leave out some someone from attention.

Janet’s mon & dad were there, I declare,

Plus Mae’s cousin … Sam … wearing black;

His wife Mary Jo and then don’t you know

Jenny ‘n Ron, from Florida, came back.

Brent ‘n Stephanie, think’n of times to be,

While Ryan serenaded with a song;

Jimmy ‘n Joyce too, led a Valdosta crew

while Jamie & Tara hummed along.

Sis Force was there, beside Suggie’s chair,

Dena Hunter n’ Lisa Lang, did approve;

Elizabeth Pritchard came, know the name

of cousins? … once or twice removed.

It was a treat for me, as I did see

my brothers from up Tennessee way;

Eddie, Tommy ‘n Dan, of the Rucker clan,

brought Joyce, Gina ‘n Amy to the buffet.

We were served, not that we deserved

the royal treatment handed out;

Russ meanwhile, brought plates with style

All delicious … without a doubt!

Yes there was good food (no one booed)

that Keith, Cindi & Cindy had prepared;

We read some words, our hearts stirred,

letters … from Robbie & Mary we shared!

To be honored is grand, we understand,

our family did what they did… from love!

Whatever your part, love you back from our heart,

giving thanks to the One Above!

The fun was not ended, found it splendid,

on the road to spend a few days;

To Vicksburg and Natches, a plan hatches,

saw history, and ate crabcake on the way!

Thanksgiving a treat, of course we did eat

the trimmings with a turkey cooked right,

Russ’n Janet host, Colin made a toast,

I was stuffed like Mr. Bird … that night!

Think we are blessed? No need to guess,

We are, and this year has proved it!

A family that loves, it comes from above,

Don’t lack anything! …. Not a bit!

Celebrate the season, know the reason,

this New Year send prays up to heaven,

We pray for you … a bright future too,

And a happy … Two Thousand Eleven! 

Russ - Janet - Mae
Stephanie - Jenny - Cindy
Keith  Ryan - Cindi
Ryan - Colin
Poppa Rucker
Mae - Joyce - Jenny - Ron
John - Mae
Cindy - Stephanie
Joyce - Ed - Gina - Tom
Brent- Stephanie- Joyce - Tara - Jamie
Sis - Dena - Lisa - Elizabeth