That turkey did it’s trick,

Kinda sleepy all the time;

I know my eyes are drooping,

but … going to stay awake for this rhyme!

I will try to choose some words,

that make some holiday sense;

And let you know all about,

 some of the past years “events”.

So “Greetings” to all the family,

And friends both old and new;

Our holidays are always happier,

When we think of … each of you!

We saw lots of the Valdosta bunch

When Suggie’s 94th came around;

We gathered at Cindy’s house, 

Food and “hugs” are what we found.

She enjoyed all the attention, 

I think I remember her say;

 “this food is a bit better … 

than I have each and every day.”

We took a winter vacation,

Aruba and Curacao and such;

The Caribbean… warn and inviting,

We liked that cruise … a bunch!

Spring found us at Gulf Shores,

Cindy’s house … our “retreat”;

Nothing adverse from the oil spill, 

And “relaxing” … can’t be beat!

A plan … something special,

for my dad … his 99th birthday!

The Rucker clan was gathering,

In Nashville, July 2nd was the day.

Although he gets tired quickly,

So the party could not go all night;

Seeing all the family celebrating,

Made that trip … just “right”!

Living there with sister Evelyn,

Gives him good care I believe.

Thanks Poppa for longevity genes,

You’ve given us much of what we need.

Russ and Janet, they love cruising,

Made some exciting trip plans;

joined by Cindy Elia, it was The Adriatic! 

… and ports they saw were … grand!

Colin has moved to his own house,

In Rockmart, not far from the store;

Got a nice spot for his garden;

has tomatoes, peppers … and more!

Grandson Brent ‘n his bride Stephanie

Had their first year … doing great;

But mixed emotions sure swirled,

When they gave us a moving date!

Yes, Brent got a promotion

To his dads old job and place;

So a move to New Orleans,

Makes us miss their smiling face!

I guess a road trip is in order,

And when we reach the Alabama line,

We can pick up grandson Ryan

Cause he is at Point University at this time.

Ryan wants to do Worship Ministry

Studies that in classes each day;

But works part time also,

To help pay some of his way.

In September the whole family was together

To enjoy Keith and Cindi’s expanded deck;

Music and food for the occasion,

And hugging family … “round the neck”!

For years we had been planning …

Tour the Holy Land … pick a date!

But we backed out many times,

Considering the unrest … too great.

Keith was going there on a business, 

And taking Cindi the sights to see …

If we could meet up one night in Galilee …

How exciting that would be!

So this year we did it!

And a fantastic two weeks we got!

It is all we ever thought … and more,

Just days later … rockets began to drop.

So pray for peace each day!

It is all worth keeping for sure!

The people … the places …. the history …

Pray that all are kept secure.

Now daughter Cindi, with her talent,

Had done our room painting, without pay;

so Mae and Cindy treated her,

to a cruise down Honduras way.

It was a fun week for the girls,

Included Belize and Mexico too;

Made me realize … “John, they were OK”,

… And it did not require … you!

Humility is a good thing,

Especially before our Maker … I mean;

So humbly I say … Merry Christmas,

Have a happy Two Thousand – Thirteen