About Halloween … I heard music,
Not about goblins … or ghost,
It was sleigh bells … jingling,
Saying … the chestnuts are ready to roast!

Now the leaves have fallen,
The turkey … upside down in the pan,
It is time for Christmas greetings,
For Santa we hear … “Come 0n MAN”!

Just like those holiday sweaters,
It is a tradition to write of this year,
Let you know of our many blessings
Occasionally, we may shed a tear.

For us this year has been “packed”
Yes, a lot of packing was done.
Three trips on ocean going liners,
To places for sight-seeing … and fun!

In April it was far off India,
Egypt and Israel too,
After some Mediterranean islands,
home from Athens we flew.

In July we sailed off to Scotland, 
Then on to Iceland plus Greenland too;
But in Ireland we found the history
and 40 shades of green … the hue.

October found us in Asia,
Shanghai, only a day long, 
We did Korea, Taipei and Manila,
With stops in Vietnam and Hong Kong.

Interested in seeing the pictures?
They are available online;
Go to www.johnny-ga.com
They are listed a trip at a time.  

Our family time was special,
Like the trip to the beach in July,
Great grandchild Sophia was laughing
She’s the “apple” of this families’ eye!

Now she is walking and running
Growing up … like she should be,
What blessings God gives us,
Will there be more? … wait and see!

Brent and Stephanie gave us news,
back to Atlanta they are moving;
The Saints will have long distance cheering,
And the Georgia family … approving.

So it is the grandchildren who 
are making the news this year,
Colin and Megan, while asking about Ancestry,
gave us a great thing to cheer!

Another Rucker boy is on his way!
February 2018 … the date they said,
To be a great grandparent … exciting!
A DNA question was where this news lead.

Grandson Ryan made no announcement,
And says he has no regrets!
Still a bachelor … but “looking”
Plenty of time … he has yet! 

Cindi and Keith took a Hawaii vacation,
Hiked Kauai island, one fine day,
Such beautiful scenery!
Could I do such hiking? I said … “No Way”!

Russ and Janet did a river cruise,
Germany plus border towns of the Swiss;
Bicycle rides for excursions,
That kind of exercise … I don’t really miss!

Hurray for the young,
Hurray for the strong!
There comes a time in life when …
On an easy cruise you belong.

Be happy for the youthful,
Cheer for new babies and such;
I will hold them and rock them,
And tiny hands … I will touch.

Great grandpa and grandma
Are happy as can be …
To see new generations …
Enjoying Christmas round the tree!

To you … our “old” friends and family
… You know what we mean … 
Have a peaceful, restful Christmas
And a happy … 2018!