First thought was … skip this greeting,
It has been that kind of year!
But no … you are people we love,
And can likely use some cheer!

Ole Santa’s eyes still twinkle,
Doom and gloom are not his trade;
Blessings are still abounding,
Dark shadows we trust will fade.

So the good, the bad, and the ugly,
Are surely there in the view,
But God’s hand we hold to tightly,
And pray “His will” … for me … and you.

We started the year in the hospital!
“AFIB” for John and “bronchitis” for Mae,
Got that behind us early,
Before Covid came into play.

By February we were recovered,
Not anxious on the pandemic score,
Even when friends left a 12 pack
of TP … at our front door.

Great grandson Grayson … a birthday,
In February he was two,
What fun was that party!
For kids, … including me too !

We learned Zoom and stayed connected,
trusted what brains we had,
But a tumble in the yard in April 
Made John’s black eye … look pretty bad.

It was a Zoom call at Easter,
Everyone is healthy … we sayl
Thought of our parents in 1918,
Survived a pandemic … in their day.

Birthdays were celebrated,
For some it was a … “drive by”,
Stand in the yard a’singing, 
Missing hugs … but understood why.

The beach was a summer activity
for some of our family …. a boon;
They were planning how to treat us,
An anniversary was coming soon.

Many things not contemplated,
Retirement … now part of the deal.
Had to roll with the punches,
Other changes … you can “feel”!

Us old folks hit a milestone,
60 years of married “bless”!
We reflect and say “God is in it”
HE’s the director of all this!

Some were happy ‘bout the election,
Some were crying … “oh no”!
Life is like that we have learned,
Trust the Lord, …. ”even so”

We were thankful in November,
Wonderful cooking did abound,
Yes, finding all the blessings!
Turn that frown … “upside down”!

Little cousins were such “cuties”,
The future is theirs to enjoy,
Christmas is such a fun time,
For this little girl and boy.

Don’t know if the new year will be brighter,
Praying for each … and everyone.
May the joys of this season be yours,
And follow you in Two thousand twenty one!