Should I start this early?
Before this passing “Turkey day”?
Mae says … “Yes”! Do it! 
So we can send it right away!

Make it Holiday Greetings for both
Thanksgiving & Christmas too;
Catch all up on news of family,
And send “best wishes” to each of you!

So instead of fighting crowds
As Black Friday comes … and goes;
I will rack my brain for words …
To get this rhyme composed.

The year has gone by swiftly,
We have kept moving with the tide;
Bucket list has more “check marks”
And that includes some unique … “rides”.

There was the elephant in Africa
During the month of May;
Included six African countries,
And more animals than I can ever say.

A helicopter took us to a glacier,
Alaska tour ‘n cruise … was in July;
Scenery that took our breath away, 
Wonderful landscapes to greet our eyes.

In October it was a Road Trip,
Catch the fall colors of our land;
God had that “paint brush” working,
And you know He has a wonderful hand.

I guess it is our “hobby”, 
To go places we have never been,
But one day it will not be possible’
Maybe find another hobby then.

We are finding travel more difficult,
Knees and back sometimes “protest”,
So we have to take it easy
And reward ourselves with “rest”.

Our children are doing “projects” 
All around their “hearth & home”;
Keith & Cindi did backyard landscapes,
A fireplace & patio of beautiful stone.

Such a great place for entertaining,
While the music riffs from the band;
Such talent! …. all appreciated,
New Orleans folks were #1 fans!

“Nanny” (Keith’s mom) suffered a stroke
But is recovering … pretty well;
She will come for an extended visit,
And with the Cox family she will dwell.

Ryan gets in more schooling,
Now at Kennesaw State;
Music is his major, and
We all think he is great!

Brent and Stephanie are moving …
Back to that New Orleans town;
They would love to have you visit
And they will show you all around.

Russ & Janet began a kitchen project,
That kept them “busy”… most of a year;
Finally turned out looking “super”,
Never mind the “contractor tears”.

We all were shocked by the sudden passing
Of Ralph King …. Janet’s dad. 
His place in that family is a void 
… and that makes us all very sad.

Then as we ate our smoked turkey,
It was Colin who clearly “stole the show”;
He told us about his engagement
How Megan … had not said … NO!

He was puzzling over how to ask her,
And while on one knee he sat,
Some Sweds said “Will you take our picture”
An interruption … he made us laugh … at that!

So some place in next year’s poem,
I hope to report to you,
And tell of the wedding detains,
And how God has blessed those two!

All things considered, this year,
Has brought many things to bless!
Sometimes the news has been “troubling”
And the future … I surely can’t guess!

Be we still know where to place our trust,
That has not changed a bit!
Our Maker is there for our comfort
His guidance is clearly writ !

So to family and friends all over,
Whether close by … or long … not seen; 
We pray for you a very Merry Christmas …
And a Happy … Two Thousand Fifteen!