Ho Ho Ho, … yes, it’s that time again

the season for holiday fun,

If it seems to you it’s arrived a bit too soon,

Well … you are not the only one!


Some neighbors took orange lights down (Halloween)

And in their place put shinny lights of white;

Too bad the pilgrims didn’t string something up …

But a blow up turkey on the lawn? … What a sight!

There is a season, the wise man said,

for many things under the sun … or in our nation,

but the wise man’s counsel also cautioned …

do all in …. Moderation!


Now it’s OK for abundant Greetings at Christmas,

So to our family and all you dear friends,

Let’s look back on the road and the journey,

And tell past year’s ….“twists and bends”.


This year I saw some of you in Nashville,

Where the news is not as we might wish;

Poppa has mother in The Meadows nursing home

And he makes sure she has her breakfast dish.


We are glad he does not have to drive each day,

Now he is walking … just up the hill,

Mother lingers with that level of care,

And our prayers are …. “as God wills”.


Mae’s mother … we call her Suggie

Still thinking her own home is best,

With lots of care and attention from

The Spiveys … the ones not far from the nest.


Thank you Jimmy and Joyce

And Tara and Jamie too;

Our Suggie remains … “independent”,

Because of close family like you.


Life for our parents … is not so easy,

We all wish we could do more,

Keep praying for strength where it is needed

Nothing will be like it was before.


Mae has slowly improved this year,

She had lost 30% of her weight … at one time,

But she has come back from that … thankfully,

I am trying to think of praise … that will rhyme.


Her sisters have both come to see us,

What a lift to see their smiling faces!

Cindy came over from Arkansas,

and Jenny Jo from her Florida places.


A restful vacation we were able to take

Off to the Elia’s house at Gulf Shores,

Daughter Cindi went with us, she and aunt Cindy,

always making sure …. no one was bored!

Now our kids are taking some nice vacations.

Guess they learned that from their mom and dad.

We enjoy seeing the pictures and hearing the stories,

Of the places and the fun times they had.


Russ, Janet and lucky grandson Colin

Took a trip to the land of Costa Rico,

Exotic foods and zip lines over the forest tops,

Just some of the excitement we were told.


Also Cindi and Keith took off for Europe

A business trip … but some sight seeing too,

England and Germany were their destinations,

Just a week …. so the time really flew!


Grandsons Brent and Ryan are no babies,

So I can’t say that with them I … “sat”.

But we managed to keep things “reasonable”,

and cell phones did call where parents were … at.


A big celebration this year was Brent’s graduation,

His high school days are no more,

He’s taking classes at Georgia Highlands College,

and working at a Sherwin-Williams store.


Of course there were kin folks up from Louisiana

to see Brent toss his hat and shout … loud,

Nanny, aunt Sandy, plus his uncle Bruce

were here … among the family so proud.


The summer … a great time for motorcycle riding.

Off went Russ and Janet on that yellow Goldwing.

To the Smokies, along with Keith and Ryan,

who were also on a shinny red machine.


The trip was called a “Honda Hoot”

With cyclist from … well …all over!

Cindi went for the bed n’ breakfast festivities

Said “the back of a motorcycle ... no bed of clover”!


Colin is in his second year at Lipscomb.

In October I saw him and got the facts.

Go to a ball game and check the Pep band

You will see him a playing his sax.


In the summer I was California tripping.

Part of my “consulting” … as I part time “retire”,

So I combined that with seeing the Estes family,

Who looked fine … but then … no brush fires!


We just got back from Valdosta,

A weekend jaunt was … just the ticket!

Jenny Jo made “chewing gum” salad,

And Jimmy went fishing, in the pond… in the thicket!


So we close with good wishes for friends ‘n family.

You raise our spirits …. like biscuits with leaven!

May you be filled with great joy this Christmas.

Have a Happy, Healthy …Two Thousand and Seven!