Black Friday is behind us

the season is well under way,

time for holiday greetings to

wish a Merry Christmas day.


Santa will be coming

on that you can depend,

the merchants are expecting you

so get out and … spend.


Down here in Georgia

we don't need a big reason,

we are sending you a rhyme

cause 'tis the holiday season.


It's been a year to remember,

count our blessings and such,

say a lot of "Thanksgivings"

and stay in closer touch.


Looking back over this year …

remembering what ‘twas about,

lives touching friends n’family

… giving joy … without doubt.


The Elia’s came last Christmas

over from Arkansas;

we enjoyed seasonal eating

the best you ever saw.


Not until February

did we make a family trip;

Grandy and Poppa were calling

so to Nashville we did zip.


Broke bread with two brothers

their wives n’ family and all;

no cooking or clean up…smart,

we just ate at the Mall!


All this was before Poppa

had surgery on his hand;

before Grandy took a tumble

and her hip had to mend.


Yes, my folks are healing

in case you did not hear it;

cause they love each other

and they have a great spirit.


No trip to New Orleans

but Mother’s day was great;

Keith boiled up the crawfish

a backyard "lagniappe" we ate.


Shortly after, my sister Mary

came with hubby … Wayne;

enjoyed a nice southern visit,

saw Pearl Harbor with no pain.


Summer saw activity, Son

Russ was mountain biking;

Janet was computing, while a

driving permit was to Colin’s liking.


Yes he's fifteen! and

plays a hot sax in the band;

his voice is so nice and deep

you would think he was a man!


Brent & Ryan are growing too,

off to their Nanny's for a month;

Brent (14) loves Saints football,

& Ryan (10) likes to pull stunts!


Nanny's was their treat while a

trip for Cindi & Keith was nice,

they enjoying Alaska beauty

and walked on glacier ice.


Russ, Janet plus Colin

also took a trip;

sailed from Denmark to Russia

And found Berlin to be … "hip".


We all enjoyed July 4th

it was a family day;

Russ was doing the grilling,

lots of eats … and "pool play".


Then "the Spivey girls"

Mae and her two sisters,

"spring cleaned" at their Mom’s

but developed very few blisters.


A side trip to St. Augustine

got them into a "ghostly route",

but Mae’s faupas at ghost touring

ended in a laughter "toot"!


So the summer ended, and we

were innocent, into travel & games;

then September Eleventh …

will we ever be the same?


We had reservations for Australia

and then to New Zealand too;

but was it safe to travel?

we said "yes" … and off we flew.


Security was tight …

my nail clippers were confiscated,

way "down under" seem far away,

some said we should have waited.


With the Elias to accompany

we flew to Melbourne fast,

saw those fairy penguins

n’ made memories that will last.


We swam Great Barrier Reef

saw natives sing and dance,

threw a boomerang, and

ate when we had a chance.


At Sydney we cruised the harbor

n’ toured the Olympics site,

enjoyed the friendly people

ate at the Opera house one night.


Bill and Cindy knew "Fred"

he came to Sydney to see them,

Aussies are such fun

and we were pleased to meet him.


More flying to New Zealand

where things were quite…serene,

the sheep caused no trouble

and scenery…like we had never seen.


Ate delicious lamb one night

in a local New Zealand home,

now we know the Singletons

in this place where we roamed.


If vacations are to take you away

renew energy that's been lost,

we recommend this package, go

"downunder" .. see the Southern Cross.


Pres. Bush says "business as usual"

so I guess we have tried,

to keep a normal schedule

no plans to stay home n' hide.


At Thanksgiving it was Florida,

to Jenny Jo's …by the sea;

those girls did some cooking

and Chuck smoked …a turkey!


We are planning to go to Nashville

and see the Rucker clan,

a gathering on the 29th

at least that is the plan.


Despite terror and sadness,

despite things that vex our soul,

with us things are OK…

we thank God …He is in control.


Seems a time to pray for safety,

to be thankful for each day,

tell folks that you love them, give

some encouragement along the way.


We hope all who read this

are well and happy too;

My God bless you this Christmas,

have a great Two Thousand Two!


John Rucker

December 2001