The big jet is in the air,

I’m California bound.

Can’t let my work schedule slow

these Christmas Greetings down.


Oh yes, lots has happened

in this fast paced 2002.

These verses are our way

to send the news to you.


Like most years there’ve been many joys

and a lot of things to delight the soul.

But there will also be some sadness,

And “real life” that needs to be told.


To include peaks and valleys…is OK.

It’s what makes us know we’re “alive”

And moving on into tomorrow

with assurance that we can survive.


A drive to Nashville is just four hours now.

For a weekend in February we did run;

Combined seeing “Grandy and Poppa”

with grandson Ryan’s Lads-to-Leaders fun.


Opryland Hotel’s a nice place,

Ryan sang and spoke very well.

And my parents are always happy

when one of their kids… “sits a spell”.


Mickey and Frank Rizzuto

came by in the month of May.

Best friends are always welcome

when ever they pass our way.


Mother’s day saw Mae with…“mixed blessings”

Son Russ planned a special day…his treat.

But alas, Mae’s wrist was broken…

when she fell from her bicycle seat!


It has healed just a bit crooked.

Sometimes… on comes the pain.

Maybe it will have to be worked on,

but it’s not her nature to complain.


In the spring Mae’s sister Jenny called,

Husband Chuck .. “ melanoma”… heard her say.

A shock…a blow… yes, all of that,

nothing to do …but to pray.


So all summer we did that…prayed,

as doctors treated and ran test.

Went to St. Augustine to see him…

sick…yes, but with a spirit that was the best.


A week at the Elia’s beach house,

swimming and sunning most the day.

More trips to California were coming

“Relax while you can” is what I say.


Chuck passed the last week of August.

They had been married just two years.

Words…they can’t tell the sorrow,

A time for weeping…a time for tears.


Mae and Cindy drove to Florida from Atlanta

Russ n’ Janet brought Suggie and sister Cindi too,

A time for the family to be there…

so in from California I flew.


I have learned some “life lessons” from Chuck

About enjoyment n’fun…as life you spend,

And I hope if those sickness trials come to me,

I can have his kind of spirit at the end.


After labor day it was back to San Francisco

This time Mae went for four days.

I had to work long hours,

but the dinners often had a view of the bay.


We were planning a trip to South America.

Cindy Elia would join us October 17.

We would tour three countries,

and see some sights we’d never seen.


And so, it happened just like that.

Off to Chile, Argentina and Brazil,

The scenery was magnificent,

Crossing the Andes on a gravel road gave a thrill.


There were tango shows and real gauchos,

And sights that make you stand “in awe”.

Seeing what God has done in nature,

often gives the biggest thrill of all.


November was eventful with trips

A flight took me to Nashville

My high school class called reunion

Seeing friends and family was a thrill.


At Thanksgiving it was Valdosta

Jimmy Spivey’s the place for the dinner.

Suggie warmed us with kindness, so

Seeing that family was a “winner”.


Our children and grandchildren are all OK.

Cindi has her faux painting business under way;

Brent is in junior ROTC, knows pro football,

Sure, the winning Saints make his day.


Russ bike rides the “Silver Comet Trail”.

Janet’s job sometimes has her “fly away”.

Colin turned sixteen this summer,

so a car and drivers license came his way.


So you see there has been some news.

Some … joyous and some … sad.

Just being here to relate it at Christmas,

makes me thankful…makes me glad.


Thinking of Chuck … I realize,

that life is short…and time is fleeting.

And things like being “connected” are important,

so …I’ll keep sending these Christmas greetings.


Whatever the future …long or short,

Whatever to trials may come to be,

Live each day with faith and joy,

and have a happy Two Thousand Three.