Christmas greetings! My, it seems early,

but turkey is a' roasting,

so maybe I'm not "squirrelly",

the holiday season to be a'toasting.


In Georgia the weather's been mild

Twenty years in Jersey…. one must adjust,

We can't expect a white Christmas,

But a joyous season…. we trust.


Yes, a year since our southward move,

A busy year … with no hyperbole,

So with rhyme and poetic license

Here's how this year came to be.


Many Ruckers were on hand, before Y2K

A party! at Grandy n' Poppa's n' Nashville,

We were glad to see so many and know that

at holiday fun . . . you are not bashful!


Janet and Russ hosted a New Years party

We ate and played one night,

Living close … has advantages

Grandson Colin thinks it's "allright"!


The new year began with "no Y2K crash"

But we had "floors", "doors" and "crooks"

we were busy with new house construction,

all stories about which to write "books"!


'Till April things were kinda "a mess"

We even moved in with Cindi for a week,

While the hardwood floors went for a third try

Dust, more dust … re-varnish that just "reeked".


Basement, finished! no thanks to the guy we hired,

wish we had not sent him to see son Russ,

But that's another long, and sad story,

one that would make St. Peter…..fuss!


My job had me flying cross-country,

Somewhere each month for a week;

In April it was off to Dallas,

With Pipeline friends I did speak.


By Memorial Day … ready for a break,

So off to New Orleans for some fun;

Keith's Mom and family were our host

With great cooking…our hearts were won!


Went to Gulf Shores in July

The Elia's beach house so relaxing;

Beach walking and black n' white movies

Now that doesn't sound so taxing.


Then Cindy and Mae headed for Valdosta

The Spivey girls were there for some "packing",

Jenny's storage bins required re-arranging,

Hot n'dirty … n' biting old flies kept 'um scratching.


Mae's sister Jenny planned a wedding,

She'd met Chuck Almony at the beach;

On the sand they said their vows,

Florida surfer… marries a …"Georgia peach".


Our 40th anniversary had a plan

For a trip to the Scandinavian north,

Got Frank Rizzuto to go with us

Arrived in Denmark September the 4th!


We toured those Northern Capitols,

Oslo, Stockholm and such,

we crossed to St. Petersburg Russia

And our eyes took in so much!


The Hermitage and onion domed churches

And palaces by Peter the Great;

But seventy years of Communism…

These "treasures" deserved a better fate!


We enjoyed the two weeks of travel,

Made some friends along the way;

Still glad we live in this country,

would go back …for the sights… some day.


As election day was approaching,

Frank and Mickey stopped on a motor trip;

Boy we miss our Jersey neighbors,

Houston is not just a' hop and a' skip.


Thanksgiving we went to Mae's mothers

Trimmed azaleas n'picked nuts from the ground,

Ate that wonderful home cooking

And gained, of course, a few pounds.


The best thing about living in Atlanta…

Is having the family close at hand;

We can go to a movie with Brent and Ryan

And watch Colin march in the band.


We all landed at Burnt Hickory,

The church that is not far away,

It's great to sit with your family,

And bow your head and pray.


We are becoming adjusted to changes,

Most are good, … and out shine the bad,

and our memories of far friends n' family

are good one's… which makes us very glad!


To keep up with the news of the Ruckers

Go to

There will be pictures and other goodies,

no fee to view…which is better than some!


Just know that our wish for you is happiness,

And a season of joy and holiday fun;

Don't let the election Grinch ruin your Christmas,

And have a wonderful Two Thousand and One!!!