Wow, Tom Turkey is eaten,

and wouldn’t you know it,

it’s time for yours truly,

to be a Christmas poet.


So let’s see what transpired,

how the year has blessed,

and send seasons greetings

to those we love best.


Our “close by” family is OK,

we can start with that news;

son, daughter and families …

none are singing the blues.


We are thankful for that,

and hope you are happy as well;

may this holiday season find you

with good stories to tell;


Mae’s mom … our “Suggie”

has had some bad shoulder pain

she is in our prayers this season…

yes, now … and … again n’again.


At 85, shoulder replacement

is just not in her plans;

her children are doing their best

to help … however they can.


My folks too, turned 90 …

(I hope to have those genes),

they are … “getting by” …

as each … on the other … leans.


So our parents still teach us,

with wisdom we still see,

how to take the day’s blessings

and grow old … gracefully.


When the Iraq war began,

we were off to Houston … no fear;

took Brent to see the Rizzutos,

our friends for many a year.


O joy to see that whole family

and while returning and a’going,

we spent time at “Nanny’s” where

the Cox family had faces a’glowing.





Everyone was looking great,

their smiles a welcome treat;

Brent loved the Saint’s museum

and NASA was …“real neat”!


In May, Mae and daughter Cindi

at the Elia’s beach house had a date;

those rooms got all painted,

that Faux stuff looks just great!


The next month I saw it too,

back to Gulf Shores for a rest;

but the wind got up and water too,

so that house got … a test.


Come July, Mae was off to see Suggie,

and … I … to Nashville did go,

Poppa’s 90th birthday celebrated,

listened how his cup … “overflowed”!


Good to see many of the family,

the Rucker clan seemed “all smiles”;

and Poppa’s “remembrances”, well

they made it all …worthwhile!


Off at the beach were the grandsons,

Ryan, Brent and Colin too; their

Mommas & Poppas were with them,

so cousins stayed out of the stew.


Suggie was getting a little TLC

when Cindy and Mae came around,

a’ cleaning, cooking and a’ running

made a tiny star in their crowns.


Then sister Jenny and dog Sid Vicious

showed up to lend a hand,

Suggie has to get better …

to avoid the Spivey girls plans.


And cousin Robbie helps our Suggie,

we can point to her with pride,

almost every Wednesday

she provides a beauty shop ride!


August was our month for traveling,

and overseas … our destination,

when Cindy Elia heard … Poland

…she joined us without hesitation.




Eastern Europe we toured for two weeks,

Berlin, Prague, Vienna & Budapest,

Palaces, waltzes, and sightseeing,

Hard to tell which was the best.


We ended up in Poland,

in Krakow we had a date,

to meet up with lovely Katherine

Cindy’s exchange student from ‘98.


Met her mother & brother for lunch,

Katherine introduced us to pirogues,

certainly nice to us Americans because

we must have seemed like old fogies.


From the inhumanity of Auschwitz

to Jasna Gora and it’s shrine;

we saw the sights of east Europe,

most behind the iron curtain, at one time.


Grandson Colin turned 17 in September,

Wow, doesn’t the time just fly by,

He’s a’trucking all round Rockmart,

not just one girl has caught his eye.


In October Mae got to Valdosta

to help Suggie with some stuff,

but home in time for Halloween,

and planning Christmas...sure enough.


Mae likes to get things organized,

helps her accomplish much… you see,

but because of planned trips to Valdosta,

in October we put up a Christmas tree!


My schedule was also hectic,

two weeks in the California state,

and I was there when they elected

Arnold S. … as their… “first mate”.


Right before that little jaunt,

I was off to Nashville Tennessee,

Colin and Brent our high school students,

and Lipscomb they wanted to see!


While they were off a’visiting,

I got to see my Mom and Pop,

Computer scanned old pictures,

now I can give them…or even swap.






Missed mother’s 90th birthday party.

would have loved to have seen you all,

so blessed, she remembers the good times,

 the other … she might not recall.


Our youngest grandson …Ryan,

has a musical love like his Dad,

so for his 12 birthday party

concert tickets were what he had.


Off to Chattanooga they took Mae,

to listen to the singer … Chris Rice,

just turn on your Christian radio,

you will hear him singing so nice!


Mae spent Thanksgiving at her mother’s

and they joined the Spivey bunch,

Joyce and Jimmy invited them over

for a feast …. and goodies to munch.


I went over to Russ and Janet’s,

they too had cooked up a storm,

and when Janet’s family brought dishes,

we all ate it up in good form!


I guess the Pilgrims got it started,

but we seem to have gone one better,

and it should not surprise me …

that I can’t seem to button my sweater!


We have one more trip before Christmas,

away off to Houston for a short spell,

to drive back one of the imports,

that our friends the Rizzuto’s now sell.


So we place you now… dear reader,

right at the door of our heart,

with hope in this Holiday season,

in these wishes you will take part.


It is you …for which we are thankful,

for you …we wish happiness… galore.

May the joys of this holiday season

stay with you in...two thousand and four!




John Rucker – December 2003