December arrives and ‘04 is waning,

‘A flying by … no use in complaining.

To sum this year, this holiday season,

here are verses … hope you find pleasing.

Glad that friends and family

were there this year to share.

We needed your love n’prayers

and to know you really care.

Right after the year got started

my mom … a fall from her chair,

Spent some time in hospital,

now home with Poppa’s care.

Both were 91 this year

and have some special needs,

Poppa has hired a helper, but

if us kids show up … he’s pleased.

Winter was rough for Mae’s mom

Suggie’s blood needs the weather hot.

Jimmy & Joyce are family close by

…. and that really helps a lot.

After a trip to Valdosta,

Mae came home … not well.

That was just the beginning

of medical stuff … a bit much to tell.

In April, Mae spent a week in hospital,

Gall bladder …  or something more,

Diagnosis …  inconclusive,

Dr’s just don’t know the score.

We are guessing some immunity deficiency,

maybe tied to an old Lymne Tic bite.

Her improvement has been slowly,

a condition that takes … a fight.

Well, that kinda sums the heath news,

if you’re family you probably knew all this,

We are grateful for all prayers,

and thankful, to many, for your assist.

My aunt Ruth and aunt Mildred,

lived long … and successfully,

but their passing this year brought sorrow

to all our Cunningham family. 

Mae’s sister Cindy has burned up roads,

Valdosta, Atlanta then home to Little Rock.

She provided some good nursing

… even if she is not a Doc.

Our children and their children

are doing just fine and dandy.

Having them close by

is oh so very handy.

For Russ and Janet and Colin

a Caribbean cruise was a hit.

They report a great time and

would not mind going back one bit!

Plus they just got back from the Big Apple

…You know …  New York City

Many “sights” caught their eye

And the Christmas lights … so pretty,

Colin, the high school senior

is living his life with zest,

Band competitions are just a part

of what he likes the best.

Daughter Cindi is keeping busy,

into that Faux painting still,

murals and specialty decorations,

her days … and some nights, do fill.

Grandson Brent turned 17!

We are very proud of him.

Besides school, he bags groceries,

as a worker  … he is a gem!

This week he bought a first car

A used Honda CRX.

His dad, Keith, helped him,

working for the “upkeep” next.

And that Grandson … Mr. Ryan

A teenager this past November,

Went with me to Nashville to see

great grandparents n’other family members.

In July we did get away,

thought the beach would help relax,

The Elia’s beach house at Gulf Shores

and we enjoyed it … to the max.

You probably saw what happened

to Gulf Shores when IVAN came ashore,

Figured the beach house of our vacations

was likely to be  …“no more”.

But lots of prayers were answered!

Minor damage, but safe and sound.

Some shingles and stair railing gone,

plus 3 feet of sand … all over the ground.

Of course Mae’s sister … Jenny,

living at St. Augustine beach,

dodged at least 3 of those storms,

… staying just out of their reach.

No overseas trips this year.

We postponed till things are better,

and we will have many more options,

when I give my retirement letter.

I have committed to work till next April,

and then cut back to part time.

Yes, I am looking forward to it,

Less stress will be … sublime.

Forty Two years is a long time

to stay employed at one place.

I am grateful for those good years

Even if , at times, t’was a rat race.

It would be great to hear

how you are being blessed,

Call or write this season …

or to see you … that would be best.

We are always so thankful for

Love and friendships that continue to survive,

Have a wonderful holiday season,

… And a happy 2005.