I start this verse while on a trip,

now the Holidays are here …Wow! …zip, zip!

Here in Chicago it is might cold,

But … to Atlanta… return tickets I hold.

A “consulting” trip … I retired in June,

two days a week … now my current tune.

I’m staying busy … a different pace,

So a little money … and me a smiling face.

Been a transition year in so many ways,

Full time … part time … or partial days.

But the days of this year ... short or long,

Are ending … as we sing a Christmas song.

Down our way there is some news to tell,

Hope this greeting finds you safe ... n’ finds you well.

Wish you a joyous season with not a pain,

And a year ahead … where you’re blessed …again!

Mae’s health was “sliding”...as last year reported,

Doctors not helpful …with causes …“sorted”.

One said …“classic pain …bad gall bladder”

“let’s take it out ‘n see what’s the matter.”

He removed it … the Laparoscopic way,

And sent her home …. the very same day.

Two days later we had an emergency ride,

complications … something wrong inside.

Low blood count, liver function … not best,

found a bleeding ulcer, in nine days of test.

Recovery is progressing, slowly, but well,

Be a while before “completely” we can tell.

News from Nashville …my mom and dad.

Much of it “troubles”… to make us sad;

Mother had a stroke … early this fall,

She is in a hospice, “might” know if you call.

Daddy is there during hours of daylight,

Feeding and tending, as he deems right.

Showing compassion for all to see,

Lessons in love for you … and for me.

Mae’s mom, our Suggie’s, health …on hold,

But requires transfusions … if blood is too cold

Thanks, Jimmy & Joyce and Valdosta clan,

For doing so much, when needed, and you can.

Seems health concerns, on our list … at the top

Keep on a’praying … not the time to stop.

We’ve faith ... such trials as common to man

Making us stronger, and behind all …is a plan.

Sure there is news not health related,

So here are some key things happily stated,

Our children n’ grandsons are here close by,

And that gives us comfort and a happy sigh!

Cindi and Keith … busy as can be,

Finding energy for things …you should see.

A beautiful redone kitchen, new painted rooms too,

floors all shinny …looking better than new!

Brent the high school senior … does a hot pace

Bag the groceries, n’ drive … all over the place.

He is trying for “B’s” or higher for his grade,

Because in Georgia that gets a scholarship made!

Ryan now 14 with the privileges that brings,

And in the chorus this guy likes to …sing!

I took him to Nashville a couple of times,

To see my folks ... no … not for Opry time!

Russ and Janet have a new speedy toy,

A bright yellow Goldwing is now their joy.

You might see them cycling up Carolina way,

A “dragon’s tail” road will make their day!

If life is too exciting, put motorcycle away,

kickback, relax and on their new deck … they stay!

Life is not boring, Colin … at school may call

So mon n’dad are not relaxing …much at all.

Colin is at Lipscomb up in Nashville town,

Says he likes it and good times he has found.

One nice thing …. he plays in Vandy’s band.

When they beat Tennessee ….”Man o Man!”

Mae’s sister Cindy made several trips this year.

When she comes we always give a cheer!

We love her crab cakes, or nice pork roast,

All feel better, even if she just makes … toast!

Mae’s sister Jenny calls and checks on us too,

Hard for her to travel … she’s in nursing school.

So a good plan … I think would be

Retired guy jumps in the car and her … go see!

Sometimes we see you folks when there was “no plan”

With Keith’s family, in September, we saw a big clan!

Hurricane Katrina hit those folks… so hard

Trees down all over right in their yard!

Nanny, Sandy, Billy, Bruce & Lori,

Danny, n’ Olga came with their stories.

Most had homes damaged, but lives not lost

Amazing the destruction …. Unbelieveable the cost!

So count your blessing … as this year comes to a close,

the trials are not over … you don’t suppose?

Take each day as it is given … the smooth the rough,

And at the end … just give thanks for having … enough.

Know that, wherever you are, we are thinking about you,

And praying for your happiness the whole year through,

To all from Canada to Mexico … from city to the “sticks”

Have a Merry, Merry Christmas … and a happy 2006!

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