I know it has been said,
Holidays… they are coming,
So about our annual greeting,
 I guess I’d better get humming.

Ok … the weather is nippy
The leaves … they are falling,
That means … Mr. Santa 
Is about to come ‘a-calling?

Less than thirty days
Then the man in red is here!
So here is what “good children”
We have been this year!

We did stay on the move,
If that counts as …“good”,
And our family is still smiling,
Just like we hoped they would.

February saw us sea cruising,
Up and down the Asian coasts;
Thailand, and Malaysia,
Then Vietnam was our host.

The sites were spectacular,
And the people … oh so nice;
We enjoyed Asian cuisine
And it was not … all rice!

April days we were sailing,
adding some ocean miles;
From Sydney to Hawaii,
Plus beautiful Polynesia isles.

We stayed at home a bit,
As summer began to appear,
A wedding was in planning,
By July it would be here.

Grandson Colin found Megan
Ready to “tie the knot”
A special day for family,
His choice … we like … a lot!

Of course the day was “steamy”
Both rain and sun appeared,
But memories were made then
that will last for many a year.

Brent had best man honors
Helped his “cuz” shine real bright;
And Ryan did his part … so
Our grandsons … did all right!

We’ve no granddaughters 
But still we are truly blessed,
Two “granddaughters-in-love”
… Are just the very best!

Colin now works at Delta,
While teaching fills Megan’s day,
They are young … “Millennials”…
I guess we could truly say.

Stephanie & Brent in New Orleans
With a home just acquired,
Generations they are “a-changing”
Says this grandpa … long retired.

Ryan, “sings for his supper”,
A church now employs,
As his school studies continue
And a bachelor life he enjoys.

Our children too … get older,
Not that it slows them too much,
Cindi & Keith with church projects
Fun times with others … and such.

Janet & Russ like to travel,
Delta continues to bless,
“let’s hop a plane … n’ go” 
Where? … anybody’s guess?

Is the “travel” gene inherited?
Maybe a bit … truth be told,
My Mom & Dad had that camper;
Canada and westward they rode.

Mae’s Mom enjoyed traveling 
She was on campaign trails;
From New Zealand to Russia
She loved to tell those tales.

This fall we took two weeks
To go to lands most unique,
Ecuador, plus Peru … and
 at the Amazon we took a peek.

Does that sound exciting?
Would you sing that tune?
Here is advice from us …
Do it … but very soon!

At Galapagos Islands …
rocks were very volcanic;
While the steps at Machu Picchu
had us breathing … in a panic.

The Amazon was wet
and mosquitoes … one or two,
we’d better stick to cruising …
but that’s us … not you!

We’re blessed … that is certain
And a big part of that … is YOU!
Our family, friends & neighbors,
All remembered … and not a few!

Wherever you are in this world
Our wish for you … is keen.
Have a wonderful Christmas time
Plus a Happy … 2016!